Kata Kunci:
Agricultural Policy, farmers, villagesAbstrak
Most of the people in Toapaya Village, Toapaya District, Bintan Regency, are mostly farmers, the majority of the community's professions have a livelihood that comes from farming, which is the main source in Toapaya Village. Researchers find problems in the field are. Lack of fertilizer subsidy policies, namely UREA fertilizer, NPK fertilizer (nitrogen phosphate calcium), ZA fertilizer (zvavelvuure ammonium), and SP 36, Lack of field agricultural extension personnel in empowerment, lack of competitive application of price policies. Therefore, policy is one aspect that can increase the development of an area, especially rural agricultural commodities. The village government's efforts to improve the economic welfare of farmers by providing training socialization programs, seed procurement, farmer tools assistance and fertilizer subsidies. The purpose of this study is to describe the agricultural sector policy of Toapaya Village, Toapaya District, Bintan Regency. The method used in descriptive research is a qualitative approach. The research location is in Toapaya Village, Toapaya District, Bintan Regency, because the village is a large agricultural area with informants from several parties such as the agricultural office, farmers, village heads and extension agents, as well as using data collection tools, observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that policies to increase awareness of agricultural sector development in Toapaya Village through the agriculture and food security services in providing assistance and training have not been maximized, lack of monitoring of extension workers, lack of fertilizer subsidies, lack of control over pricing for farmers. In this case, the government must make strategic policies to advance the quality of human resources in the agricultural sector in order to make the farming community prosperous. Agricultural sector policies in Toapaya Village, Toapaya District, Bintan Regency have not been maximally implemented in terms of commodity policies, production factor policies and macro economic policies.