Kata Kunci:
Public Service, Quality of Public Service, DistrictAbstrak
One of the government's tasks is to provide public services. as a regional apparatus organization, the subdistrict has the task of providing services to the community, there are 17 types of services in the allied Bakung subdistrict. This study aims to determine the cause of the suboptimal quality of public services in Bakung Serumpun District. The problem in this study is that the service time does not match the standard time that has been set. Referring to the concept presented by Zeithaml et al 1990 (Hardiansyah, 2018), there are 5 indicators used to assess the quality of public services, namely Tangible, Reability, Responsiviness, Assurance, Empathy. By using descriptive qualitative research methods, then data sourced from literature studies, field observations, interviews and documentation were analyzed by data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the quality of public services in Bakung Serumpun District was not yet optimal due to incomplete facilities and infrastructure, not yet skilled employees in using service tools and having clear service standards that were not notified to the public. Suggestions from researchers are to add facilities and infrastructure, provide training to employees.