Kata Kunci:
Management, Attractions, Bintan Cultural and Tourism OfficeAbstrak
Bintan Regency is an area that has a lot of tourism potential, one of which is
dugong beach attraction located in Malang Rapat Village, Gunung Kijang
District of Bintan Regency.Dugong beach is one of the beaches owned by the
local government located in Bintan and managed directly by the Bintan cultural
and tourism office.Management is carried out to make this dugong beach a more
advanced tourist destination, develop and can contribute to the area and
surrounding communities.The purpose of this research is to find out the
Management of Dugong Beach Attractions by the Bintan Cultural and Tourism
Office using descriptive methods with qualitative approaches (Bungin, 2005) And
will be studied with the theory put forward by George R Terry (Surakarna, 2011)
about 4 functions of management, namely planning, organizing, actuanting,
controling.The results of the study illustrate that the management of dugong
beach attractions carried out by the bintan cultural and tourism office has not
been implemented to the maximum because in its management the agency has not
cooperated with third parties such as villages, surrounding communities and
private sector in order to contribute to each other to achieve common goals.