Kata Kunci:
Analysis, Effectiveness, TerminalAbstrak
This study Tanjungpinang City is the capital of the Riau Islands Province as the central government center, the Government, especially Tanjungpinang City, continues to try to provide services and convenience in traffic for the community. Carang River Terminal is a type B terminal that serves public transportation routes and services within and between cities. If public transportation and these services are not arranged, regulated properly, it will cause congestion on public roads considering the City of Tanjungpinang. Regarding the service and operation of the Carang River terminal in Tanjungpinang City, it does not work as intended, this can be seen from the lack of public transportation and services parked on public roads even though the Carang River Terminal. The research objective to be achieved is to find out the obstacles and constraints in optimizing the function of the Carang River Terminal. The research method used is a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach, data collection techniques are carried out by interview, observation and documentation related to the Analysis of Factors Affecting the Low Effectiveness of the Carang River Terminal Service Tanjungpinang City. The data can then be analyzed qualitatively by examining all the data that has been collected which is supported by the results of interviews with the Jones theory approach in Purwanto (2007: 43) namely the external source approach, internal source approach, and technical support approach. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the Carang River Terminal service has not been running effectively. The factors Influencing the Low Effectiveness of the Carang River Terminal Service Tanjungpinang City can be seen from four indicators, namely the external source approach, the factor is the lack of public transportation operating at the terminal, the internal source approach is the lack of informativeness from the Transportation Agency employees in using the media for organizing socialization to the community, the technical support approach is the factor. is the lack of use and supervision of facilities and infrastructure from Dishub employees and community participation. The factor is the lack of public interest in the use of public transportation