Dampak Pariwisata Bagi Masyarakat Lokal Di Tarempa Kecamatan Siantan Kabupaten kepulauan Anambas


  • Iin Merlianti Mahasiswa Program Studi Sosiologi FISIP UMRAH
  • Nanik Rahmawati Dosen FISIP UMRAH
  • Rahma Syafitri Dosen FISIP UMRAH

Kata Kunci:

impact, tourism, local communities


The tourists who come of course bring about the change that has the impact of the change in the value and lifestyle brought by tourists. The tourism development, of course, expects the development and good direction for the community, as well as the tourists attraction in Tarempa. The phenomenom that occurs is the shift in values and culture norms such as one of the girls that had been set by culture such as how to dress, how to speak, then how to get along and behave now begins to fade, not only that the social values as before if anyone comes to visit always at jamu like the guest because of the value of family nuance but currently no longer guests come.
On this research author uses qualitative descriptive research methods. Qualitative analysis is when all the data has been collected, than the authors analyze the data obtained from the informant then poured in the form of writing. Done continuously beginds with studying all the available data from various source, namely interviews, observations, documents and so on until the withdrawal of conclusions.
The result of this research is the impact of tourism for local communities in Tarempa subdistrict Siantan regency of Anambas Islands is not very good because it still has adverse effects, which can be desbribed as follows where the impact felt by community is a change in the middle of society that is the habit of people in interacting, people are more happy to come to cafes such as tourist habits, the cafes provides entertainment such as karoke, even those who provide women or comfort women as well as drinking liquor. Environmenl pollution and the growing practice of prostitution


