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Policy Evaluation, Environmental Education, Adiwiyata ProgramAbstrak
This research is motivated by the absence of a mutual agreement between the Minister of State for the Environment with the Minister of National Education, Number: 03/minister of environment/02/2010 and Number: 01/II/KB/2010 to develop a program Adiwiyata. Senior High School (sman) 1 Singkep is one of the schools that earned the award as the Adiwiyata school. Adiwiyata school is a school that is environmentally clean and healthy. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of Environmental Education Policy in the Adiwiyata Program in SMA Negeri 1 Singkep. Theory that used in this research is the theory of policy evaluation William N Dunn. The research method used in this research is qualitative with descriptive research type. Data collection techniques in this research is by observation, interview, and documentation. Data analysis techniques, namely by reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the implementation of Environmental Education in the Adiwiyata Program in high School (SMAN)1 Singkep is not running properly diihat of the indicator. (1) Indicators of Effectiveness, the implementation does not work effectively due to its implementation does not meet the standards of the policies that have been defined. (2) Indicators of Efficiency, its implementation is not efficient due to constrained by the absence of the budget and the help from the government. (3) the Adequacy, implementation still experiencing problems due less to understand their respective duties in carrying out the Educational Environment so that the results of the implementation has not been enough in its accomplishment. (4) Equity, in its implementation is still not evenly distributed in the implementation of the program. (5) Responsiveness, the results showed that the response from the user policy has yet to show the form of participation, so that the implementation is relatively low. (6) Accuracy, from the results of research that the implementation of Environmental Education In the Adiwiyata Program is right on target in its implementation. Conclusion in this study is, preformance carry out the evaluation of the policy found that the implementation of the policy has not run with the maximum and still many obstacles in applying it. Suggestions from this study that there is need for better cooperation from the relevant authorities and Schools for the implementation of Environmental Education In the Program Adiwiyara in SMAN 1 Singkep goes well.