Kata Kunci:
Role, Empowerment, boost the economyAbstrak
The city of Batam has the potential of capture fisheries to improve the fishermen's economy, the potential of capture fisheries has not been utilized properly by fishing groups, for that the importance of the role of the fisheries service in helping groups of fishermen who are powerless become empowered to improve the economy of fishing groups. Batam City Fisheries Service has a role according to Indraha theory (Labolo 2010:36). This type of research is qualitative with descriptive research techniques. The results of this study indicate that the role of the fisheries service as a regulator is a direct policy from the Batam city government to mobilize fishermen by helping to provide equipment and supplies for fishing activities through a program to improve capture fisheries facilities and infrastructure. The role of the fisheries service as a facilitator, the government must be an agent that is able to create and provide facilitation in accordance with the needs of the community in accordance with safe, comfortable conditions. The role of counseling is oriented towards increasing knowledge, skills and attitudes. Extension activities are one of the efforts made to increase the knowledge of fishermen groups. fishermen groups have a strategic position in realizing the independence of members in the sustainability of capture fisheries activities. And the role as a facilitator can be realized in the form of facilitating through partnerships with Microfinance Fishermen Institutions (LKM) for fishermen with economic welfare problems by facilitating access to capital. One of them is developing partnership capital for fishermen with financial institutions. The government's role as a dynamist serves to provide effective guidance and direction. The Batam City Fisheries Service has a major role in providing guidance, direction and input. In this case, it is realized with assistance. Seeing the need for a large group of fishermen for guidance and input from the fisheries service through government agencies and mentoring in charge of providing guidance. As a dynamist, it can be realized through mentoring, socialization and field visits.