Law Enforcement, Application of Sanctions, P-21 FileAbstract
Forest and land fires in Indonesia are a problem that routinely occurs every year, especially during the dry season. The forest and land fires that occurred in the last two decades, especially in 1997-1998, were not only local and national disasters, but also had spread to become regional disasters. In Riau Islands the area of ​​land burned was 5,621ha caused by human factors. With a total of 125 cases and 8 suspects have been secured in Bintan district and one of the suspects has been processed by the police but has not yet reached the court process. The method used is empirical normative legal research. Normative research is literature law research with the problem approach that the author uses in this study is the statute approach. This approach departs from the views and doctrines developed in the science of law by studying the views and doctrines in legal science, the author will find the purpose and purpose of a legal norm. Empirical legal research is carried out by examining directly into the field to see firsthand the application of laws or regulations related to law enforcement, as well as conducting interviews with several respondents who are deemed able to provide information about the implementation of law enforcement. The data source in this research is secondary data. Secondary data sources come from statutory regulations and libraries. Law enforcement against the perpetrators of the crime of burning forests and land must comply with the Minister of Environment Regulation No. 10 of 2020, where the law regulates regulations related to land burning and prevention mechanisms.