Empowerment, Fishermen, Tebang VillageAbstract
one of the efforts made by the Government to improve the ability of fishermen is by means of empowerment, which is expected to be able to improve its economy with empowerment. However, the empowerment that is often given to the Tebang Village Fishermen in the Palmatak District is in the form of fishing gear assistance provided privately and in groups, without training in the use of more sophisticated tools in order to increase the catches of Tebang Village fishermen and be able to compete with foreign fishermen. The results of this study indicate that the empowerment program for Tebang Village fishermen in the Anambas island district is not in accordance with what is desired, besides the factors that inhibit the helplessness of Tebang Village fishermen namely the lack of human resources and also the assistance provided is not well managed by fishermen, such as canoe assistance and floating kelong. Canoe assistance is not managed properly by fishermen because those who receive canoe assistance already have pompong and also the distance traveled to carry out their work is far from the beach, so it is not possible to use the canoe. Whereas fishermen who receive floating kelong assistance do not manage the assistance on the grounds they are not accustomed to working in groups and prefer to work individually. This research method uses qualitative descriptive with research location in Tebang Village,Palmatak Subdistrict, Anambas Island Regency, and Agriculture and Food Fisheries Office, Anambas Islands Regency. Data collection consisted of observations by observing the condition of the research location, interviews with informants totaling 10 informants, and documentation. Data analysis techniques by reducing data, data presentation in the form of tables and sentence descriptions, and drawing conclusions based on data analysis of direct interviews and secondary data.