Motivasi Orangtua Dalam Memasukkan Anak Ke Taman Kanak - Kanak dI Kota Tanjungpinang, Kepulauan Riau
Parents, Kindergarten, EducationAbstract
The purpose of this study is to discuss about parents who put their kids into the kindergarten because they want their kids to be able read, write, and calculate an early age. That is why the reason parents demand the kindergarten should be able to teach their kids well. Also in this research, researcher want to know what is the purpose of parents to put their kids into kindergarten an early age. The goals of this research to describe parents purpose to put their kids into kindergarten in Tanjungpinang city kepulauan riau an early age. The researcher decided to used qualitative method. The researcher used technique data collection from deep interview, observation, and documentation. To know the informant the researcher took from random sampling along with 6 people. To conclude this research is, parents have three reasons to put their kids into kindergarten an early age. First factor that is parents put their children because they want their child could be able to read, write and counting when they reach elementary school, second because of the environment make the parents put their kids into the kindergarten like neighbors who also put their kids into the kindergarten and make friendship, third the social factor envious to the neighbors who put their kids into kindergarden and be the same with other who could be able read write and counting and lastly because of media who make the kids always on their gadget and watching TV