
  • Windy Novelasari Alumni Program Studi Ilmu Hukum
  • Hendra Arjuna Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik UMRAH
  • Ayu Efritadewi Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik UMRAH


work agreement, work agreement indefinite time, Manpower Law Number 13 Year 2003


In Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower, it is stated that a work agreement is an agreement between a worker and a company or employer with the terms of employment, rights and obligations of the parties. Then the form of the work agreement itself is divided into two, namely the first work agreement for a certain time and a work agreement for an indefinite time. In this case the Bread Factory in Tanjungbatu City Village applies its workers with an indefinite time work agreement in which the workers are permanent or the workers are not tied to the company. The occurrence of disputes in the field of employment between employers and workers cannot be avoided, this usually stems from feelings of dissatisfaction, employers provide policies that according to their considerations are good and will be accepted by workers, but workers have different considerations and views. The work agreement is made unilaterally in the sense that the contents of the work agreement are determined by the company, while workers do not have the opportunity to determine the contents of the work agreement. So the implementation of an indefinite time work agreement (PKWTT) which is applied to the Bread Factory in Tanjungbatu City Village needs to be reviewed from the Labor Law.The purpose of the study was to find out what the agreement between the Bread Factory and the workers was and to find out how the work agreement was implemented. From the results of this study, it can be promised that work in a bread factory in its implementation does not carry out the agreement that has been agreed between the two parties and is contrary to the Manpower Act.


