EFEKTIVITAS PENDIDIKAN DAN PELATIHAN KERJA PEGAWA (Studi Kasus di Satuan Kerja Perencanaan dan Pengawasan Jalan Nasional Provinsi Kepulauan Riau)
Effectiveness, Education and Training, Individual Human ResourcesAbstract
Education and Training is an effort to develop human resources, especially to develop intellectual abilities and human personality. The goal of the Education and Training program is the realization of civil servants who have competencies according to their positions and occupations. There are 2 types of Education and Training followed by P2JN Kepri employees, namely Technical Training and Functional Training. This study aims to determine the Effectiveness of Education and Training conducted by Employees of the National Road Planning and Supervision Work Unit of the Riau Islands Province. This study uses a descriptive approach with a qualitative approach through data reduction in advance, presenting data and drawing conclusions. As for the results of research related to the ability, temperament, and interest of a worker, clarity and acceptance of an explanation of the role of a worker, basically the level of motivation of workers as a whole in planning government programs to advance Human Resources is good and can be applied in organizing. The conclusion of this study basically has been done well in accordance with the theory used and field observations during the research period the researcher saw individual employees at the agency have done their work in accordance with the duties and responsibilities of each.