"ANALISIS PELAYANAN PUBLIK DALAM PERSPEKTIF DYNAMIC GOVERNANCE ( Studi Tentang Kapabilitas Dinamis Kantor Imigrasi Kelas 1 Khusus TPI Batam dalam Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Paspor) "
Dynamic Capability, Thinking Ahead, Thinking Again, Thinking Across, Public ServicesAbstract
The Issuance of the Republic of Indonesia Passport (RI Passport) is a form of public service organized by the Directorate General of Immigration that must always be improved in quality in line with the better social conditions of the community so that they are able to respond to any deficiencies and deviations in public services delivered directly or through the media print and electronics. As one of the public administration agencies of the Directorate General of Immigration incessantly makes a breakthrough in the effort to realize the service of the Indonesian Passport (RI Passport) that meets the principle of public service especially "Certainty, Speed, and Ease of Service". The purpose of this study is to understand how the dynamic capabilities of the Class 1 Immigration Office specifically Batam TPI from the perspective of Dynamic Governance and how the process of establishing dynamic capabilities in the administration of passport services. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The informants of the study were drawn from employees in the Class 1 Immigration Office specifically Batam TPI, and passport applicants. Data collection techniques by interview, observation, document review. Then the data is analyzed by reducing data, providing meaningful data, and drawing conclusions supported by valid evidence. The results of this study, show that the Dynamic Capability of Class 1 Immigration Office Special TPI Batam has been good in producing various changes in the implementation of the passport program, seen from three mindsets namely, Thinking Ahead, Thinking Again, and Thinking Across and certainly affect the increase in the quality of passport services that better in the community. Dynamic Capability Process of Class 1 Immigration Office Specifically TPI Batam starts from the head of immigration itself who is proactive to move his employees to think creatively and innovatively in creating new programs, to always evaluate ongoing programs, and of course learn from other immigration offices to improve the quality of passport management services.