Partisipasi dalam Pelaksanaan Pembangunan (Studi Tentang Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pelaksanaan Pembangunan di Desa Mensanak Kecamatan Katang Bidare Kabupaten Lingga) Tahun 2018
Participation, Community, DevelopmentAbstract
Village development is an integral part of regional development and national development
which is carried out harmoniously, integratedly, efficiently and effectively in every area of the
village. The purpose of this study was to study How Community Participation in Development in
the Village of Mensanak, and examine what factors hampered community participation in
Development in the Village of Mensanak, Katang Bidare Subdistrict, Lingga Regency.
From the results of research found Community Participation in Development Based on the
results of research and findings in the field regarding Community Participation in Development
as well as factors that involve community participation in development, Community participation
in development produces research socialized by the Mensanak community in very less
development, Community participation in the Development Phase based on the results of research
that is denied at the level of community participation in development is still very low, Community
Participation in Development Assessments based on the results of the study concluded as the
Village of Mensanak helped in development. Then there are a number of factors that hinder
community participation between. Village Apparatus Resource Factor which is still minimal in
terms of education so that in planning the planning documents are less than optimal. Funding
Factor Limited funds are limited to the needs of the community and the disbursement of funds that
are often issued makes the village government is not optimal in utilizing the time and budget
received. Community Participation Factors who do not want to participate in the development
planning process, and the community only manages if they benefit from the development.