Kata Kunci:
Perancangan, Pemasaran Digital, Bussines Plan, UKMAbstrak
This research aims to develop SME marketing more broadly, making business only from conventional marketing to digital marketing that is able to market their products from anywhere and anytime through the internet. The development of the internet world in Indonesia is currently increasingly rapid and makes business competition even greater so business actors must be aware of digital and apply it in the business that is run. Ease of shopping through the internet makes many people make the internet as a place to shop. Yona Buah is a SMEs engaged in trade such as organic and processed fruits and vegetables. In online marketing, this SMEs focuses on the fruit and its products. Yona Buah marketing target all groups can be the target of SMEs target. This digital use such as social media, website and android applications as communication channels. The study uses qualitative methods with purposive sampling. Based on the results of digital marketing is able to hel Yona Buah and can be maintained and continue to strive to develop consistently. This shows that Yona Buah SMEs is a potential business to be developed and run. Systems created to produce applications and websites for marketing produced by Yonabuah. website accessible via URL