Pengaruh Biaya Tenaga Kerja dan Biaya Operasional terhadap Pendapatan Nelayan di Desa Mantang Lama Kecamatan Mantang Kabupaten Bintan
labor costs, operating costs and incomeAbstract
This study aims to determine the effect of labor costs and operating costs on fishermen's income partially and simultaneously. The sampling technique used in this research was purposive method. Data collection techniques in this study using primary data and secondary data. Primary data comes from fishermen in Mantang Lama Village, Mantang District, Bintan Regency. The method in collecting primary data is by using surveys and questionnaires. Secondary data were obtained from the Mantang Lama Village office. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistics, classic assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, and hypothesis testing. The test results show that labor costs and operating costs affect fishermen's income. The ability of labor costs and operating costs in explaining fishermen's income is 14.5% and the remaining 85.5% is explained by other variables not discussed in this study.