Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Teknik <p><strong>Online ISSN 2746-8461</strong></p> <p>Jurnal online mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji berisikan artikel&nbsp; ilmiah dari skripsi dan atau sebagian dari skripsi mahasiswa strata satu (S1) Fakultas Teknik Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji yang merupakan kewajiban mahasiswa menggunggah karya ilmiah sebagai syarat ujian sarjana.&nbsp;</p> en-US Tue, 05 Apr 2022 01:36:02 +0800 OJS 60 RANCANG BANGUN DIRFTER BUOY PENGUKURAN ARUS LAUT DENGAN METODE LAGRANGIAN <p>cean currents are movements of seawater masses from one place to another both vertically and horizontally that occur continuously. The movement that occurs is the result of various forces acting on the surface, column and bottom of the water. Currents play an important role in the oceanographic cycle because they affect navigational activities, shipping, delimitation of territorial or marine areas, studies of coastal dynamics, and management of marine resources. Ocean currents are also defined as the flowing movement of a mass of water due to wind, density differences or long wave movements. The Lagrangian method is a current measurement method that is carried out by observing the movement of surface currents from one point to the next within a certain time span. One application of the Lagrangian method is used on drifter buoys that measure coordinate data.</p> Agus Riyandi Rambe, Tonny Suhendra, Hollanda Arief Kusuma Copyright (c) 2022 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Teknik Thu, 24 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0800 KONSUMSI ARUS ARDUINO PRO MINI <p>DC current without realizing it is often used in everyday life. Arduino Pro Mini is a microcontroller that uses DC current. Arduino Pro Mini in operation requires a power source from the battery. Therefore, it is necessary to test the current consumption on the Arduino Pro Mini. Testing the use of several components, namely VA meter, Arduino Pro Mini, and battery. The test results show that the Arduino Pro Mini requires a current of 7.9-9 mA.</p> Ega Indriawan, Tonny Suhendra, Hollanda Arief Kusuma Copyright (c) 2022 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Teknik Thu, 24 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0800 PENGAMBILAN DATA GPS MENGGUNAKAN GSM SIM 7000E <p>The use of GNSS data (Global Navigation Satellite System) has been widely used at this time, where this navigation system uses satellite technology that can receive signals from satellites, namely:Global Positioning System (GPS). The use of GSM SIM 7000E in this study is used to know the GSM SIM 7000E's ability to read position data. The results of the trial of this device are GSM SIM 7000E can read position data well, GPS data parameters that are generated as many as 20 parameters, namely latitude, longitude, speed, direction, and other data.</p> Handalah Jabbal Nur, Tonny Suhendra, Hollanda Arief Kusuma Copyright (c) 2022 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Teknik Thu, 24 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0800 RANCANG BANGUN GENERATOR FLUKS AKSIAL MENGGUNAKAN MAGNET PERMANEN NDFEB (NEODYMIUM-IRON-BORON). <p>In general, conventional generators still use fossil fuel-based electric energy drivers. The generator works based on electromagnetic induction, namely rotating a winding in a magnetic field so that an induced emf arises. This axial flux generator is capable of operating at speeds of 100 to 1500 rpm with the help of a dc motor as a driving force for the rotational speed of the rotor, the resulting voltage reaches 8.3 volts with a current of up to 54 mA. The measurement results of the electric wave that can be generated by this generator are in the form of an irregular sinusoid with an amplitude value of 19 Vpp.</p> Igo Octaviandri, Tonny Suhendra, Anton Hekso Yunianto Copyright (c) 2022 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Teknik Thu, 24 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0800 PERANCANGAN PERANGKAT DESTILASI AIR LAUT MENJADI AIR TAWAR MENGGUNAKAN SOLAR CONCENTRATOR DENGAN SISTEM SIRKULASI <p>The design of the seawater distillation device into fresh water is designed to be a single unit so that it causes shading in the solar concentrator, which causes less than optimal results. In this study, the use of a solar concentrator with a circulation system is designed by designing a parabolic trough solar concentrator and a distillation greenhouse separately so that it can capture the sun's heat temperature more optimally. Then the ds18b20 sensor is installed as a sensor that will measure the temperature of the flowing water and the water in the container, as well as the dht22 sensor to measure the temperature in the greenhouse room. Ultrasonic sensors are used to determine the volume of fresh water, the results of this design are able to help increase the heat value in the greenhouse by ± 1.09°C and produce ± 40 ml of fresh water for 5 hours. The highest temperature was obtained in the time range 10:00 – 14:00 WIB with an average value of 38.99°C temperature in flowing water, 39.24°C water temperature in the tub, 39.76°C temperature in the greenhouse and 31.27°C ambient temperature.</p> Misbah Misbah, Sapta Nugraha, Anton Hekso Yunianto Copyright (c) 2022 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Teknik Thu, 24 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0800 PERANCANGAN AUTOGATE MENGGUNKAN MIKROKONTROLER ESP32 NODEMCU <p>Fences are at the forefront of home security. Generally, the fence is controlled manually, but with the development of fence technology, it can also be controlled electronically by using a remote. This research design automated using an ESP32 NodeMCU microcontroller. The device's design uses several components, namely ultrasonic sensors, ESP32 NodoMCU, Relays, and 1 Phase AC motors. In this study, the design of the automated system was successfully carried out. Furthermore, the study results show that the Autogate is successfully opened and closed using a smartphone, and the device can be connected as far as 40 meters.</p> Rico Pradito, Sapta Nugraha, Tonny Suhendra Copyright (c) 2022 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Teknik Thu, 24 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0800 ANALISIS PERBANDINGAN AKURASI PADA SENSOR TEKANAN BMP280 DAN BME280 <p>Air pressure is the force exerted above the surface. The higher an area of sea level, the lower the air pressure. Many devices are used to measure air pressure, one of which is a sensor. Sensors are equipment used to detect a quantity that is converted into a large amount of electricity. A sensor, before use, the thing that must be known is how accurate the sensor is. In this study, we will calibrate two air pressure sensors. The sensors used are BME280 and BMP280. Calibration is done by comparing sensor reading data with Climatology and Geophysics Meterology Agency (BMKG). Based on calibration results, the BMP280 sensor is more accurate than the BME280. The results of the comparison of sensor data with BMKG data, namely BMP280, received a RMSE value of 0.16 hPa and BME280 of 2.25 hPa.</p> Yuliani Yuliani, Tonny Suhendra, Hollanda Arief Kusuma Copyright (c) 2022 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Teknik Thu, 24 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0800 PENERAPAN METODE FEATURE-DRIVEN DEVELOPMENT (FDD) PADA PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI BENCANA ALAM KABUPATEN BINTAN <p>Currently, Bintan Regency does not yet have an information system to find out the locations of natural disasters, making it difficult for the community to reduce the risks caused by natural disasters. In this study, researchers will create a web-based information system which in this application will display disaster data in Bintan Regency in the form of forest/land/bush fires, floods, hurricanes/tornados, landslides, and high waves. This study applies the Feature-Driven Development (FDD) method to visualize natural disaster data obtained from the Regional Disaster Management Agency of Bintan Regency into location points with various colors based on the type of natural disaster. The development stages carried out are Develop an Overall Model, Build a Feature List, Plan by Features, Design by Feature, and Build by Feature. The results showed that the system succeeded in displaying the locations of natural disasters in the Bintan Regency as a whole or by grouping.</p> Arizal Akbar, Eka Suswaini, Alena Uperiati Copyright (c) 2022 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Teknik Thu, 24 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0800 ANALISIS KECEPATAN BANDWIDTH GAME ONLINE PADA OPERATOR SELULER (PUBG MOBILE, COD MOBILE, FREE FIRE) <p>Online game users continue to grow from year to year, therefore internet service providers must provide stable and fast internet quality. The bandwidth speed of online games must be supported by an internet network that supports the speed and stability of the internet connection. Therefore, the author conducted a test to determine the QoS performance when playing PUBG Mobile, COD Mobile and Free Fire games. The graphic quality of the online game used is of high quality, the test is carried out using a GSM hotspot modem with a number of users ranging from 1 to 5 users simultaneously in one GSM hotspot modem network. The test time was carried out 10 minutes in one experiment carried out by comparing 1 user to 5 users simultaneously. As for 1 laptop that is used as a hotspot network transfer medium to the user's device, when the game is running, the laptop will read the data packets that are processed with the help of the Wireshark application, which is useful for knowing the performance of Quality of Service from 1 user to 5 users simultaneously. The results of the analysis show that the highest average bandwidth requirement is found in 5 users with an average bandwidth requirement of 209.69 KBps, the highest average throughput is found in 5 users simultaneously at 414.882 KBps, the highest average packet loss is 0.302 %. , the highest average delay is 16.11 ms, and the highest jitter is 1.13E -03 ms or equivalent to 0.000113 ms.</p> Dhio Murdo Ginting, Ferdi Chahyadi, Eka Suswaini Copyright (c) 2022 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Teknik Thu, 24 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0800 RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM INFORMASI BIMBINGAN KONSELING DENGAN METODE RAPID APLICATION DEVELOPMENT (RAD) BERBASIS WEB (STUDI KASUS SMA N 2 LINGGA) <p>School is a very important aspect for the nation's children because through <br>education it can improve human resources in Indonesia. Schools are formal <br>institutions that carry out guidance, teaching and training programs for students to <br>be able to develop good potential starting from the moral, spiritual, and intellectual <br>aspects. and social activities that help all student activities at school. Every level of <br>education definitely needs an information system in carrying out its work activities <br>so that it is more organized and directed with a more efficient time, one of which is <br>Guidance and Counseling. Based on the results of the discussions that have been <br>described previously and also based on observations, it can be concluded that with <br>the application of the Web-Based Student Violation Information System application <br>at SMA N 2 LINGGA in recording student violation data, calculating the total <br>points of violations, giving sanctions to students and making reports for given to <br>schools and information to parents becomes easier and faster and more accurate, so <br>as to be able to monitor student discipline at school</p> Diko Giovanno, Eka Suswaini, Nurul Hayaty Copyright (c) 2022 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Teknik Thu, 24 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0800 PENERAPAN SCRUM DALAM PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM E-LEARNING MODEL CONTAINER DENGAN DOCKER DAN REACT JS <p>Currently, there are two important systems in the world of lectures, namely Academic Information Systems, and E-Learning. The two systems must be integrated so that students do not repeat the process so that it takes longer and can cause duplication of data. The purpose of this research is to apply Scrum in the Development of a Container Model E-Learning System with Docker and React JS. The method in this research is the Scrum framework which consists of several artifacts including the product backlog, sprint backlog, and increments. Scrum has structured and iterative stages, so that if the product produced in one sprint does not meet the needs, then in the next sprint a system can be developed according to user evaluation. The result of this research is an E-Learning System that is integrated with the Academic System of the Container model with Docker and React JS. This research was also tested by testing Blackbox Testing and User Acceptance Test. Based on the test results show that the built E-Learning System has met the requirements of user needs and functionality that has worked well.</p> Dimas Nugroho Putro, Muhamad Radzi Rathomi, Tekad Matulatan Copyright (c) 2022 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Teknik Thu, 24 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0800 ANALISIS KEBUTUHAN BANDWIDTH ANTARA CODEC H.264/SVC DAN VP9 DALAM LAYANAN VIDEO CONFERENCE <p>Video conference is a service that is capable of sending audio and video data simultaneously. In its work requires a codec to compress audio and video data to save bandwidth, processor work, and memory. There are two video conferencing services that are popularly used today, namely Zoom Cloud Meetings which uses the H.264/SVC codec and Google Meet which uses the VP9 codec. Meanwhile, video conferencing activities consume a large volume of data, so it is necessary to know which codec is the most efficient in bandwidth usage. Therefore, this research was conducted to determine the bandwidth requirements, QoS performance, and the use of processor and memory resources by codecs in the two video conferencing services. The analysis was carried out on 10 users within 10 minutes with 4 test scenarios. Bandwidth and QoS were analyzed using Wireshark tools. The results of the analysis show that the lowest average bandwidth requirement is found in the use of Google Meet, which is 1,5 Mbps at HD resolution and 0,88 Mbps at SD resolution. For the average value of the QoS parameters on the two video conference services, it shows that the network performance is in very good condition and is comparable between the two video conference services at the time of testing. The lowest memory and GPU resource usage is on Google Meet, which is 148,3 MB and 2,65 %,, while the lowest processor resource usage is on Zoom Cloud Meetings, which is 2,5%. With a combination of video conferencing and presentation scenarios, Google Meet consumes 1,20 GB of data volume, while Zoom Cloud Meetings is 1,45 GB. From the results of this analysis, it can be concluded that the VP9 codec used by Google Meet is more bandwidth efficient in video conferencing activities than the H.264/SVC codec used by Zoom Cloud Meetings.</p> Fathoni Andika Darma, Muhamad Radzi Rathomi, Alena Uperiati Copyright (c) 2022 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Teknik Thu, 24 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0800 PENGEMBANGAN ACADEMIC SYSTEM MODEL CONTAINER DENGAN FRAMEWORK SCRUM <p>Technology that is growing rapidly, one of which is in the field of education, has an effect on the ease of getting information and carrying out activities related to learning. Systems related to administration and lecture learning are academic systems and online courses. The academic system has many subsystems in it. The subsystem that focus for research is lecture subsystem. Within the lecture subsystem, there are two very important systems, namely academic information systems and e-learning. The research aims to implement Scrum in the development of a container model academic system using Docker and React JS and measure Scrum performance using Burndown Chart and Focus Factor. The result of this research is an academic system that is mutually integrated with elearning with a Container model using Docker and React JS. This research was also tested by testing Blackbox Testing and User Acceptance Test. The results of the test show that the academic system that has been built has met the requirements of user needs and the functionality has worked well.</p> M. Wahyu Irgan Agustino, Muhamad Radzi Rathomi, Tekad Matulatan Copyright (c) 2022 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Teknik Thu, 24 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0800 PENERAPAN ALGORITMA FP-GROWTH UNTUK MENGANALISA POLA TRANSAKSI PEMBELIAN OBAT OLEH KOSUMEN <p>Anza Farma Pharmacy is one of the pharmacies that serve drug sales in Anambas Regency. Anza Farma pharmacies serve thousands of transactions/month by selling prescription, non-prescription and concoction drugs. There are many transactions that occur at the pharmacy, but the transaction data has not been used to its full potential. The researcher then builds an application or system by utilizing data mining techniques using the fp-growth algorithm to obtain information in the form of connectedness of drug purchases by consumers. System or application test results by inputting 0.10 for minimum support and 0.50 for minimum confidence, namely the formation of 5 association rules with the highest rule being Betadine =&gt; Hansaplast (if a customer buys betadine then buys hansaplast) with a support value of 18.36% and the confidence value is 94.84% followed by the lift value 5.1389, and the conviction 15.8034 and the cosine 0.97143.These results are very helpful for the Anza Farma pharmacy to find out which drug items are related.</p> Maizatul Akmar, Tekad Matulatan, Nola Ritha Copyright (c) 2022 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Teknik Thu, 24 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0800 PENERAPAN METODE SCRUMBAN PADA APLIKASI E-COMMERCE HASIL LAUT BERBASIS WEB (STUDI KASUS TEMPAT PELANGAN IKAN KOTA RANAI) <p>This study aims to determine the stages used in the Scrumban method in developing or designing a -E-Commerce web based software in the fisheries or marine product sector. Data was collected by means of observation and documentation at the case study site. Data analysis was carried out to obtain data that was truly in accordance with the research conducted by researchers, the data used were in the form of observational data that had been obtained, then documentation data in the form of image data, types of marine products sold from the analysis results obtained data in the form of types fish, pictures, price data and availability data (stock). The system design uses flowcharts and Entity Relationship Diagrams and then the system interface design uses software figma by designing wireframes, mockups, font styles and colors. Testing system functionality using testing blackbox and user acceptance test (UAT). The results of this study indicate that the method has been successfully implemented Scrumban in the development E-Commerce of web-based seafood applications. The use of the method Scrumban in system development can encourage the development of a better system. From the results of testing using blackbox testing, it shows that the entire system functions normally and is also supported by test results using UAT which show very satisfactory results.</p> Mardiono Mardiono, Nurfalinda Nurfalinda, Muhamad Radzi Rathomi Copyright (c) 2022 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Teknik Thu, 24 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0800 PENERAPAN METODE NAIVE BAYES UNTUK MEMPREDIKSI STATUS KEHADIRAN MASYARAKAT DALAM PEMILIHAN GUBERNUR <p>General Election (PEMILU) is an important political event to determine the leader in a democratic country, where the process of people's interests, which is then formulated in various forms of policy. Various problems related to Permanent Voter Data (DPT) including the KPU difficult to get the NIK of people in the Correctional Institution, novice voters who do not have an Identity Card (KTP), voters who do not have a resident identity. there are people who should have had criteria as voters but were not registered, while people who have died are still registered. In addition, there are voters who are registered at more than one polling station (TPS) or are called multiple voters and voters who are difficult to find so that the KPU must visit houses as stipulated in the legislation. This study aims to facilitate the classification of community attendance status in the governor election using the Naive Bayes method, the data used are Permanent Voter List (DPT) data obtained from the Tanjungpinang City General Election Commission. The input variables used are gender, marital status, address, distance home, job, status of existence, ownership of ID card. While the output variables used were present and absent. The data used were 250 data ,70% for training data and 30% for testing data. The data tested were 76 data with an accuracy value of 78,95%.</p> Megawati Simanjuntak, Nurfalinda Nurfalinda, Muhamad Radzi Rathomi Copyright (c) 2022 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Teknik Thu, 24 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0800 RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM ANALISIS KUALITAS SOAL UJIAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE FUZZY MAMDANI (STUDI KASUS: SMP NEGERI 6 TANJUNGPINANG) <p>In education, it is necessary to evaluate learning. Learning evaluation is carried out to measure the achievement of competence of students. Learning evaluation must be carried out by teachers to improve the quality of the questions that have been made, and get an accurate picture of students' mastery of learning material. Then the item analysis was carried out, by measuring the indicators of discriminatory power, level of difficulty, distractor function, validity, and reliability of the items. This study discusses the design of making a multiple-choice test item analysis system, as a means of helping teachers to determine the quality of rejected, corrected, and accepted test questions using a decision support system using the Mamdani fuzzy method and the prototype method as system design.</p> Muhammad Zaini, Martaleli Bettiza, Alena Uperiati Copyright (c) 2022 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Teknik Thu, 24 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0800 IMPLEMENTASI KRIPTOGRAFI HYBRID MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA AES-128 DAN ALGORITMA RABIN UNTUK MENGAMANKAN DATA DALAM DATABASE <p>Along with the development of time and the rapid advancement of technology, then many new techniques are used to retrieve data. With the advent of these new techniques, it is feared that the data taken could be misused by irresponsible parties, thus threatening the data- confidential data or messages. Because of this, many developments have been carried out in the field of data security, such as cryptographic techniques. In this study, security techniques were used, namely AES-128 for symmetric cryptography and Rabin for asymmetric cryptography. thus making the percentage of data security greater and not easily cracked by unauthorized parties. Data security in the database using AES-128 and Rabin methods has been successfully implemented to make confidential data more secure.</p> Natanael Sijabat, Nurul Hayaty, Eka Suswaini Copyright (c) 2022 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Teknik Thu, 24 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0800 PEMBUATAN APLIKASI PEMESANAN LAPANGAN FUTSAL MENGGUNAKAN MODEL PROSES SOLO SCRUM DENGAN TEKNOLOGI CROSS-PLATFORM MENGGUNAKAN PHONEGAP <p>The purpose of this study is to analyze the successful implementation of the process model Scrum in making futsal field booking applications using Phonegap if done with a single team member (alone). The reason for taking the title is because there are still many futsal places that place orders directly at the futsal venue or manually. Therefore, the researcher conducted this research using the process model Solo Scrum in making an application for ordering futsal fields to test the success in implementing the process model Solo Scrum if it was carried out with a single team member (alone). To measure the test results, the researcher measured it with 6 success factors for implementing the process model Scrum from the article Axosoft entitled implementing scrum guide, namely the cross-functionality team value, the business value prioritization value, the velocity variance value, the automated unit test coverage value, the value software delivery and value of employees engagement and happiness.</p> Naufal Widiansyah, Muhamad Radzi Rathomi, Nola Ritha Copyright (c) 2022 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Teknik Thu, 24 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0800 RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM PERMOHONAN SENTRA PELAYANAN KEPOLISIAN TERPADU DENGAN MENERAPKAN EXTREME PROGRAMING <p>At the Tanjungpinang Police, to make an application or submission where for now there are still shortcomings, because it is still not well computerized, especially in filing. The purpose of this research is to build a system that can help the community and the Tanjungpinang Police in performing good services in submitting applications where the system created is operating in a service unit called the Integrated Police Service Center (SPKT). Where if we register online, we can reduce the use of excessive paper and be more efficient in registering without having to worry about being late to apply because the service time is running out. However, it can also help SPKT officers to manage incoming data better and easier, by applying the extreme programming (XP) method in developing a system which consists of 4 stages, namely planning, design, coding and testing which is repeated more to meet the criteria. cooled and using user acceptance testing (UAT) in the test.</p> Oky Purwanto, Ferdi Chahyadi, Alena Uperiati Copyright (c) 2022 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Teknik Thu, 24 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0800 RANCANG BANGUN APLIKASI AL-QUR’AN YANG DILENGKAPI PEMBELAJARAN MAKHROJ HIJAIYAH BERBASIS ANDROID <p>The modern development of science and technology can lower the interest in reading and learning qur 'an. Increasingly modern times spawned a variety of applications that would eliminate teaching activities. To prevent the occurrence of the young generation that are blind to the hijaiyah, then must do the lessons that follow today, which can be opened and studied anywhere. The purpose of this research is to design and build a qur 'an application that is equipped with the android based machroj hijaiyah. The methods used in this study are prototyping methods of several stages of listening to users, building prototypes, testing. The result of this research is a qur 'an application equipped with an android based machroj hijaiyah. At this research the testing used was the blackbox testing. Based on the black box testing done, all the menus and features can run according to the desired function criteria.</p> Pramudia Pangestu, Alena Uperiati , Ferdi Chahyadi Copyright (c) 2022 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Teknik Thu, 24 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0800 PEMANFAATAN TEKNOLOGI BARCODE PADA SISTEM ABSENSI GURU DAN STAF BERBASIS WEB MENGGUNAKAN METODE RAPID APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT (RAD) <p>Along with the rapid development of information technology in services to get information quickly and automatically in all fields, one of which is the field of education. One of the services that require the use of technology is attendance data processing. In this study, researchers will try to create a system with the use of barcode technology on a web-based teacher and staff attendance system, the system built by the researcher is the attendance system and attendance application. The attendance system can display a barcode on the attendance page and can only be accessed by the administrator, then the attendance application can be used by every employee to make attendance. The barcode contained on the attendance page will be scanned using a Progressive Web App (PWA)-based attendance application installed on the smartphone in the hope of assisting the computerized attendance process and data collection of attendance reports. In developing researchers using a method, namely the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method. The RAD method is used with the aim of making it easier for researchers to develop the system to suit what the user wants. In this method there are three stages used, namely the Requirement Planning stage, Workshop Design, and implementation. At the implementation stage, an attendance system and Presence Application will be generated which will then be tested on the system using Black box testing and User Acceptance Test (UAT). The results of the test will show that the system that has been built has fulfilled the functionality of the system and is running according to the requests and needs of the user.</p> Sahrul Ramadhan Hakim, Ferdi Cahyadi, Alena Uperiati Copyright (c) 2022 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Teknik Thu, 24 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0800 IMPLEMENTASI RAD (RAPID APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT) DALAM RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM LAYANAN INFORMASI DAN PENGADUAN CRISIS CENTER PMI (PEKERJA MIGRAN INDONESIA) BERBASIS WEBSITE <p>The Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) is a non-ministerial government agency in Indonesia. Based on article 4 of Presidential Regulation Number 90 of 2019, the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) is tasked with implementing service policies in terms of the placement and protection of Indonesian migrant workers in an integrated manner. In this case, reporting complaints made to PMI (Indonesian Migrant Workers) and reports are still done manually by receiving complaints from email, letter, telephone, and sms, this is less effective because it can lead to various risks such as loss of data on problematic PMI complaints and What often happens is that complaints are ignored so that it takes a long time to be followed up by officers. To reduce the risk that will occur, it is necessary to build a computerized system that can accommodate a website-based PMI crisis center information and complaint service system. The method used in this research is RAD (Rapid Application Development) with a processing time of 2 months and 10 days or 70 days, in accordance with the manufacture of the system with the method applied, namely RAD (Rapid Application Development) which can complete system development for approx. 60-90 days. At the testing stage, black box testing and UAT (User Acceptance Test) were carried out and the system made was acceptable to users with an average percentage result of 91.85% which is very strong.</p> Sri Cahya Ningsih Nasution, Eka Suswaini, Nola Ritha Copyright (c) 2022 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Teknik Thu, 24 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0800 PENERAPAN METODE PROTOTYPING DALAM PEMBUATAN SISTEM PENYIRAMAN TANAMAN OTOMATIS DAN MONITORING SUHU PADA PERANGKAT IOS <p>Technological developments continue to grow rapidly in technological developments 4.1. The results of these technological developments have produced many systems, some of which are control systems, detection systems and monitoring systems, in which almost all of the systems created have been equipped with fully automated work. With that, an automated system can be applied to assist in monitoring and watering plants so as to provide convenience in this field. This study aims to create an Application for Automatic Plant Watering System and Temperature Monitoring on iOS Devices. The method used in this study is the Prototype method and is tested using black box testing to ensure the features run according to the criteria and functions desired by the client</p> Sulthan Syarif Hanisetya Putra, Muhamad Radzi Rathomi, Tonny Suhendra Copyright (c) 2022 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Teknik Thu, 24 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0800