Monitoring, Budidaya Pakan Alami (Plankton)Abstract
he purpose of this study is to produce a monitoring device that can be used to measure water quality and contamination of natural feed breeding ponds (plankton) which can later be applied in the field of cultivation and Facilitate monitoring of water quality and contamination in a cultivation pool using LCD and PC / Laptop . The reason for taking the title is because it can display measurement values and makes it easier to monitor quality levels through LCD displays and PCs / Laptops. The methodology that will be used in collecting data and information in the completion of this research is the Observation Method, Literature Study / Literature Study, and Design. Monitoring the water quality of plankton aquaculture ponds in this study uses raspberry pi as a server and data store, Arduino as a sensor data processor, webcam as a video streaming device. 3. After testing the sensor used and compared with standard measuring devices, it can be seen the accuracy of the sensor, the pH sensor has an error of 1.97%, the temperature sensor has an accuracy of 96.3%, an error in the sensor salinity of 9.79%, while to see contamination can be seen using a USB webcam.