Pengembangan Modul Kimia pada Materi Ikatan Kimia Kelas X


  • Fujiana Fujiana Alumni Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia FKIP UMRAH
  • Eka Putra Ramdhani Dosen FKIP UMRAH
  • Ardi Widhia Sabekti Dosen FKIP UMRAH


development research, teaching materials, chemistry module


This study aims to create and test the validity and practicality of the chemistry module teaching materials on Chemical Bonds. This research is a development research with the stages of defining (defining), design (designing) and developing (development). Data collection was carried out at SMAN 1 Lingga Utara with 1 chemistry teacher and 25 students. The results of the research: 1) produced a chemistry module design that was made in Microsoft Word and converted to PDF; 2) the chemistry module on the Chemical Bond material fulfills the very valid criteria with the results of the media expert test obtained a percentage of 93%, and the results of the material expert test obtained a percentage of 75%, very suitable for use by teachers and students, and 3) the practicality of the chemistry module on Chemical Bond material by the teacher obtained a percentage of 95% very practical criteria, and the practicality of media by students was obtained a percentage of 87% with very practical criteria.

