Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Kelautan dan Perikanan <p><strong>Online ISSN 2722-0737</strong><br><br>Jurnal online mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji berisikan artikel&nbsp; ilmiah dari skripsi dan atau sebagian dari skripsi mahasiswa strata satu (S1) Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji yang merupakan kewajiban mahasiswa menggunggah karya ilmiah sebagai syarat ujian sarjana.&nbsp;</p> en-US Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Kelautan dan Perikanan 2722-0737 STATUS MUTU PERAIRAN DAN KESEHATAN LAMUN DI KAWASAN WISATA PERAIRAN TELUK BAKAU KECAMATAN GUNUNG KIJANG KABUPATEN BINTAN <p>Seagrass quality and health status research was conducted in the waters of Teluk Bakau Village, Bintan Regency. The purpose of this research is to find out the status of water quality, seagrass health and the components of aquatic parameters that become the main ingredients against seagrass cover in the waters of teluk bakau tourism area. This research was conducted by survey methods through random sampling of 30 points using a plot measuring 50x50 cm. Based on the results of research on the status of water quality of tourist areas are in good condition, namely meeting the criteria of quality standard KepMen LH No. 51 of 2004 except for phosphate parameters. The results of the study found 5 types of seagrass, namely, Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides, Thalassodendron ciliatum, Syringodium isoetifolium, and Halophila ovalis. Seagrass cover in the waters of Teluk Bakau Village was classified as rich / healthy based on the determination of seagrass field status according to Kepmen LH no.200 year 2004. Based on PCA analysis, the seagrass cover group was affected by phosphate.<br><br></p> Aftari Aftari Winny Retna Melani Tri Apriadi Copyright (c) 2021 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Kelautan dan Perikanan 2021-10-12 2021-10-12 2 1 44 54 PEMETAAN POLA SEBARAN SUHU PERMUKAAN LAUT DAN KLOROFIL-A BERDASARKAN PERBEDAAN MUSIM DI PERAIRAN PULAU BINTAN BAGIAN TIMUR <p>The characteristics of the eastern part of Bintan Island, the movement of the monsoon winds, the movement of the monsoons and the circulation of sea air that occur have an influence on the fluctuations in the distribution pattern of chlorophyll-a and SST concentrations. Studies related to the distribution pattern of Sea Surface Temperature, Chlorophyll-a and Wind Speed Direction based on differences in seasons. This research was conducted in October 2020. The method used was the chlorophyll-a image processing method, the sea surface temperature extracted through the Aqua MODIS image averaged monthly for 3 years. The results showed that the temperature distribution pattern in Bintan Island waters fluctuated based on seasonal support, an increase in temperature occurred in the eastern monsoon ranging from 29.88-30.53°C and a decrease occurred in the northern monsoon ranging from 28.48-28.51°C . The distribution pattern of chlorophyll-a in Bintan Island fluctuates based on seasonal differences, the concentration of chlorophyll-a has increased in the southern monsoon ranging from 0.74-1.32 Mg/M3 and decreases in the west monsoon ranges and West monsoon ranges from 0.45 to 0, 52 Mg M3. The movement of the wind direction in Bintan Island waters is dominated by wind movements, in the north and south monsoons the wind moves based on the season and in the east and west monsoons the direction of the wind movements by the previous season. The highest wind speed occurs in the northern monsoon</p> Dahlia Mei Prista Dony Apdillah Risandi Dwirama Putra Copyright (c) 2021 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Kelautan dan Perikanan 2021-10-12 2021-10-12 2 1 1 8 PEMETAAN SUHU PERMUKAAN LAUT DAN KLOROFIL-a MENGGUNAKAN CITRA MODIS DI PERAIRAN LAUT NATUNA <p>Natuna waters are very important for Indonesia and the surrounding countries, because Natuna waters are one of the trade routes connecting the South Sea and the Indian Ocean. This study aims to map the distribution of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a in the Natuna Sea waters. In general, SST in the waters of the South China Sea shows a fairly high range of SST values. This research was conducted in December 2018- December 2019 in Natuna, Riau Islands Province. The data used are level 3 aqua fashionable satellite imagery. The distribution pattern of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a in Natuna marine waters which was studied based on the season resulted in a value of 30.84 oC in the northern season, 33.6 oC in the southern season, 32.16 oC in the west season, 33.29 oC in the east season. Where in every season there are significant changes occurring in the northern season and the eastern season because the northern season tends to be cold towards the east season where conditions are hotter. Meanwhile, the distribution of chlorophyll-a concentration in the east season is 0.42 mg / m3, in the south season it is 0.13 mg / m3, in the northern season it is 1.07 mg / m3, and for the west season it is 0.81 mg / m3. The presence of chlorophyll-a concentrations above 0.2 mg / m3 indicates the presence of sufficient plankton to maintain survival. Economically important fish.</p> Jamilah Jamilah Fadhliyah Idris Mario Putra Suhana Copyright (c) 2021 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Kelautan dan Perikanan 2021-10-12 2021-10-12 2 1 9 19 PEMETAAN LUASAN EKOSISTEM LAMUN MENGGUANAKN CITRA SENTINEL 2A TAHUN 2018 DAN TAHUN 2020 di PERAIRAN DESA PENGUDANG <p>Marine information in the form of mapping the distribution of seagrass is needed for seagrass monitoring, education and other matters in marine utilization activities, especially in conservation areas. Pengudang Village is one of the villages that is a seagrass conservation area. One of the waythat can be used in observing the condition of the seagrass ecosystem to see the changes that occu is to use a combination of geographic information systems with remote sensing. In remote sensing technology, the data used is Sentinel-2A Image. The purpose of this study was to map the extent of seagrass in Pengudang Village water by using the method algorithm lyzenga. Methods Lyzenga known by the name of the method depth-invariant index or method of water column correction (correction column of water). The water column correction aims to eliminate the spectral identification errors of the habitat due to the depth factor, then followed by a guided classification process on the image. Seagrass coverage in Pengudang Village waters was obtained based on the results of guided classification analysis. In the image of the Sentinel 2A in the year 2018 reached the figure 8.43 and in the year 2020 experienced a decline in the numbers 7.30 hectares with a value of test accuracy of 80%. Decrease broad fields of seagrass in the Water Village Pengudang caused by several factors such as actvity community local dan feeding habbit of dugong.</p> Reski Putri Handayani Fadhliyah Idris Risandi Dwirama Putra Copyright (c) 2021 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Kelautan dan Perikanan 2021-10-12 2021-10-12 2 1 20 29 KARAKTERISTIK JAJAK MAKAN (FEEDING TRAIL) DUGONG PADA EKOSISTEM LAMUN DI PULAU SUMPAT DESA PENGUDANG KABUPATEN BINTAN <p>This study aims to measure the structure of the seagrass ecosystem in the dugong feeding area, besides this research measures the dimensions of the dugong feeding trails in the seagrass habitat, and measures the biomass of seagrass eaten by dugong. The method used is survey data collection carried out directly in the field, in accordance with the research data needs. Seagrass structures were collected using the quadrant transect method, feeding trail with measurements of length, width and depth, and biomass using a 20 x 20cm2 box taken outside and inside the feding trail. The percentage of seagrass cover ranged from 62.94% to 89.2%, the density of the seagrass ranged from 127 individuals / m2 to 692 individuals / m2. Dimensions Feeding trail ranging from 0.985 (m2) to 1,050 (m2), the amount of seagrass edible biomass ranges from 16.350 dugong (gbk / m2) to 82.879 (gbk / m2). In this study, the seagrass which is the food of dugong is a type of Hallodule pinifolia. PCA analysis between seagrass ecosystem structure data and water parameters showed that cover, density, had positive correlation with brightness. Then PCA analysis between seagrass biomass, edible biomass, and feeding area trail had a positive correlation with seagrass density. This shows that the higher the seagrass density causes more seagrass biomass to be eaten by dugong.</p> Zuliska Afralingga Aditya Hikmat Nugraha Ita Karlina Copyright (c) 2021 Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Kelautan dan Perikanan 2021-10-12 2021-10-12 2 1 30 43